Ask St Martin’s

Ex-Principal of St Martin’s Pre-Primary, Barbie Daniel, extensively qualified in the field and an experienced practitioner has provided insights and information to parents and teachers on many topics.
She has co-authored a pre-primary teachers’ training course and also published articles for the Independent News (Magazine of the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa) and Mum’s Mail as well as other publications. She presently lectures part-time at Varsity College in the BEd Programme.
When a Parent Loses Control…
And we all do, at some time or another! You know, when your child has driven you to distraction with whining, moaning, disobedience or “wildness”. And you launch into screaming and shouting and perhaps smacking, in response. And then you are left with mingled feelings...
The Need for School Rules
The Need For School Rules - And Why You, As A Parent, Should Follow Them... Aggravated by the St Martin’s School Rules? Think they are pernickety and petty? Some points to ponder: School Rules are designed to make a school run more effectively and efficiently. School...
The Gift of Christmas
This is always a hectic time of year - with all the festive furore. So much emphasis is placed on presents, the buying and receiving of them, with store windows full of tempting displays and Father Christmas “Ho! Ho! Ho-ing!” in October! Sometimes we lose sight of...
One of the gifts that parents give their children is the gift of their time - and one of the easiest and most mutually satisfying ways in which to share this is through reading stories. And with such wonderful benefits too - reading to your child has a tremendous...
Sexuality and your Pre-Schooler
This is always a thorny issue – often filled with emotion and a highly developed sense of right and wrong. It should not be – it is normal for children between the ages of 4-6 to discover their bodies, and even to discover that bodies have pleasure places. It never...
Settling at School
Hints On How to Help Your Child Settle at St Martin’s Pre-Primary School... Be upbeat and positive in your approach - if you need to shed a little tear, try and do it out of your child’s presence. Trust the professionalism and experience of your child’s teachers. Say...
How to Keep Your Child’s Teacher Motivated
A cry from teachers everywhere! You want your words, actions and behaviours to impact positively your teacher – for she is just the person whom you want to be on her game to the benefit of your child. Please: Respect the professional qualifications and experience of...
Mayhem at the Mall
Retail Therapy is the opportunity to rejuvenate, restore and relax as you somewhat aimlessly wander around the shops. A time-out, self-indulgent exercise which is about personal re-grouping. This picture is shattered by the screams of someone else’s child cavorting...
Developing Listening as a Life-Skill
Having your child not listen to you is probably one of THE most frustrating things you experience as a parent! Here are a few helpful hints which may improve the matter. If your child often does not listen or speaks very loudly, have a doctor or audiologist check her...
From Pre-School Reports in Perspective
How to be objective, practical and realistic about your child's report- these thoughts may be helpful... What is the purpose of a pre-school report? Essentially, to give you up-to-date information on your child’s all-around development. If you have chosen your child’s...
Why is Independence Important in Young Children?
The greatest gifts parents can give their children are a loving and supportive home environment, a well-rounded and challenging education and opportunities to exercise independence and self-reliance. Well, love does make the world go round, we all know that. And we...
Grade 1 Delay
So, When Should The Decision About Delayed Entry To Grade 1 Be Made? Well, I hope that if this is a consideration, your child's school has already been in contact... However, as this is a very big decision, one that can have both short-term and long-term implications...
Extra Murals – I don’t want to do ballet anymore!
No parent wants to force their child to do something about or in which they are unhappy. However, allowing your child to take up and give up pursuits on a whim has the danger of sending out mixed messages. Ideally, your child should be allowed to participate in the...
The Education Partnership
As parents and teachers, we share responsibility for the education of the children in our care and these are some of the things we can expect of each other. Parents should: Act on recommendations for professional intervention - this is in the best interest of your...
The Discipline Debate
Disciplining your child is always a challenge, here are a few practical hints... Try to be consistent at all costs - don’t have too many rules and keep the ones you decide upon (no matter how tired or frazzled you are!) But consistency should not be confused with...
The Dilemmas Of Decision-Making
One of the benefits of modern trends in parenting is that parents are empowering their children more readily. However, this can sometimes go awry when parents give their pre-school children too much authority in the relationship and they are allowed to make...
Christmas – All About Values and Beliefs
Christmas should be the season wherein we make a stand for whom and in what we believe... Christmas, and all that it represents, should give us pause to consider what is important and what is not in our lives, and, as we make a public statement about our values and...
Changing Children’s Behaviour
Your child won't go to bed readily. Your children give new meaning to the term sibling rivalry. Mealtimes are a nightmare. How can you change your child from a horrid brat to a personable youngster? Identify the need for change: firstly you need to identify which...
Car Games for Kids
Time spent in the car with your child can be one of the most valuable times you share together - time to bond, time to relate and communicate and time to learn. Here are some games for you to play when you are able to. (On those days when you are not on automatic...
How to Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem
Make a list of your child’s good points to remind yourself and let him know that you appreciate them. Don’t criticise or demand perfection. Correct kindly. Constructive criticism is just as important as praise and if you minimise her failures, she’ll either learn to...
Bedtime Blues
Bedtime has to be the most fraught time of the day in any family! Here are a few suggestions to help take a little of the pain out of this routine. Points to consider: Structure and routine give security and a sense of wellness to young children; knowing what is to...