The Need For School Rules – And Why You, As A Parent, Should Follow Them…
Aggravated by the St Martin’s School Rules? Think they are pernickety and petty?
Some points to ponder:
- School Rules are designed to make a school run more effectively and efficiently.
- School Rules are usually proven, tried and tested, they are probably long-standing and the “kinks” have been worked out, following them will achieve the desired results.
- Whilst concern for individuals is of paramount importance in the education system, children learn in groups/classes and School Rules take this into account.
- Do not expect every rule to be altered to suit you, imagine if every parent in the school wanted the rules personally “tailored”, this would defeat the exact reason for which they were written.
- School Rules have a particular purpose in mind, usually relating to the functioning of the school or to your child’s own growth and development. (Children’s development is certainly more often than not the reason behind rules in pre-primary schools.)
For example:
- Clothing: Your child should be able to put on and take off his/her own clothing, particularly shoes – doing so encourages self-management and independence. In turn, coping independently allows for feelings of value and self-worth.
- Time: Children should arrive at school before or by the identified time – failure to do so results in your child missing out on valuable learning opportunities as well as his/her feeling isolated from the group; this impacts both intellectually and socially.
- Children are eager to comply, conform and please, they are aware if they – or you! – are not keeping the School Rules and this can lead to anxiety and stress.
- Similarly, being “different”, because they are not doing whatever all the other children are doing, causes unhappiness.
- School Rules at the pre-primary school level help to prepare children for the rigours of “Big School”. Help your child to remember tasks and duties, e.g. which day it is and what requirements should be taken to school on that day. This is a beneficial life skill which is sooner learned the better, e.g. helping him/her to remember the library bag may take a while but may save you a later mercy dash with the bathing costume on the gala day!
- If you are unhappy with a School Rule, go through the correct channels. Complain to the correct person and present your objections in a reasonable, rational and loving manner – your opinion is valid and your right to express it should be acknowledged and respected. Even if the rule may not change, the school will be happy to share the history, rationale and purpose behind the rule with you.
- Deliver your concerns in a constructive and appropriate way: your manner, behaviour and language will provide a model for your child.
- Car park and birthday gossip are counter-productive.
Also, unconstructive criticism is demoralising and de-motivating to teachers, just the people whom you need to affirm and encourage. They deal with your child on a day-to-day basis and you need them on “top form”! - Acknowledge the professionalism of the teachers. They will not “victimise” or pick on your child if he forgets something or if you do not follow a rule. This is contrary to professional and educational ethics.
- Following School Rules is your child’s first experience of obeying the law – in the country that is the school. If you are unhappy with the state of lawlessness in our society, impact the future of our nation by teaching your children to become law-abiding citizens by starting with these first, but just as important, School Rules.