When a Parent Loses Control…

When a Parent Loses Control…

And we all do, at some time or another! You know, when your child has driven you to distraction with whining, moaning, disobedience or “wildness”. And you launch into screaming and shouting and perhaps smacking, in response. And then you are left with mingled feelings...
The Need for School Rules

The Need for School Rules

The Need For School Rules – And Why You, As A Parent, Should Follow Them… Aggravated by the St Martin’s School Rules? Think they are pernickety and petty? Some points to ponder: School Rules are designed to make a school run more effectively and...
The Gift of Christmas

The Gift of Christmas

This is always a hectic time of year – with all the festive furore. So much emphasis is placed on presents, the buying and receiving of them, with store windows full of tempting displays and Father Christmas “Ho! Ho! Ho-ing!” in October! Sometimes we lose sight...


One of the gifts that parents give their children is the gift of their time – and one of the easiest and most mutually satisfying ways in which to share this is through reading stories. And with such wonderful benefits too – reading to your child has a...
Sexuality and your Pre-Schooler

Sexuality and your Pre-Schooler

This is always a thorny issue – often filled with emotion and a highly developed sense of right and wrong. It should not be – it is normal for children between the ages of 4-6 to discover their bodies, and even to discover that bodies have pleasure places.  It never...