
St Martin’s is privileged to enjoy an enthusiastic, vibrant and engaged Parent Body, Governing Body, Parents’ Association Committee and Staff. Educational purposes and relationships are promoted, forged and enhanced through various events throughout the year

School Events
School Events are those that involve the children primarily and allow parents to see their offspring “in action” in the school setting, offering intriguing and revealing insights.

Fundraisers are planned, organised and presented by the Parents’ Association Committee (with the help of other parent volunteers). They raise funds for special, identified purposes in any given year.

The Governing Body is responsible for the governance and management of the School. This involves policy-making, financial husbandry, strategic planning, oversight of human resources, maintenance of facilities and resources and the purchasing of equipment. The Parents’ Association Committee takes care of fundraising. The monies they raise pay for the purchase of additional equipment, improvements to decor, special projects, etc. 10% of the fundraising income is donated to charity each year. Previously we have supported The Sunflower Fund (the Bone Marrow Registry); Bobbi Bear (outreach to abused and abandoned children) and NSRI (National Sea Rescue Institute).